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How to HOLD on a Site - USDS100 & SDS100 (SDS200)


When in Site HOLD mode the Scanner will not SCAN any other SYSTEMS or Favorites  until SITE HOLD is turned OFF.

Site HOLD monitors only the selected SITE within the current system.


You have two options to select the Site you want to HOLD


While in scanning mode, look carefully at the screen and make a note of the Site that displays 3-5 bars on the signal meter (top right hand side of the screen).

Ozscan data cards have each site alpha tagged so you can see the site name making it easier to select which one is the active site. Make a note of this site for future reference if needed.


You can also wait until you hear voice activity and make a note of the Site that is being used when a conversation is taking place.


Once you have made the choice of the best site to use in your location you can now HOLD on that site.


Site HOLD forces the Scanner to use that site, instead of checking other sites that may have no reception at all. If you’re travelling and the signal weakens, select a new site according to your location.


Push the FUNC button then briskly push the centre key under the main screen. (SDS/USDS models)


(Pushing the FUNC button give the buttons under the screen a ‘double purpose’.

When FUNC is pushed the screen will display Site instead of the normal Dept text)


While the current site is highlighted, use the volume dial  or PUSH FUNC dial and scroll to the site you wish to HOLD.

Once you have selected the relevant site - release the volume dial and the Scanner will now HOLD on the selected site.


To release the Site from HOLD, simply push the Func button and then the Site button again to release the held site.


If the site is receiving a good strong signal the signal meter will flicker up and down, indicating the reception strength.

A meter showing 5 bars is obviously the best.


To HOLD on a Site - UBCD436PT UBCD536PT BCD436HP BCD536HP


To activate ‘Site Hold’, push the Func button/pad and then the Dept/Site button. You then need to use the volume dial to scroll between the sites.

(Pushing the FUNC button gives the DEPT/SITE button a ‘double purpose’).


​This FUNCTION mode only stays available for around 5 seconds, so it takes a bit of practise to get used to how quick you have to apply this process.


Once the name of the site you wish to monitor appears on the screen, stop scrolling and release the dial.


The name of the site in HOLD mode will be displayed and a small ‘HOLD’ tag will appear on the right hand side of the Site name to confirm.


The Scanner will HOLD on the selected site and monitor all availableTGID's via that site.


To release ‘Site Hold’ – repeat the sequence. Push the Func button/pad and then the Dept/Site key.


You cannot monitor any other Favorites in ‘Site Hold’ mode.


You can also initiate ‘Site Hold’ during voice activity.


When a conversation starts, that is a good indication that the Scanner is using a control channel and has found the best control channel to use.


While a conversation is taking place - push the Func button/pad and then the Dept/Site button.


The Scanner will then lock onto the current active site and all voice activity will continue to be monitored via the selected site.

To release ‘Site Hold’ – repeat the sequence. Push the Func button/pad and then the Dept/Site key.



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